SEE: voldy42 (u/voldy42) - Reddit (above is page 12, of a 'Watchtower' pamphlet that I was given - a photo, that I snapped... at 7:50 AM, on 11/9/23)

Canadians (of interest, lifestyle-wise & personality-wise):

1:53 PM (11/24/23): 
At 1:09 PM on 11/24/23, I had the revelation… …that people tend to place different values, on things… in life… …although, some things… having more ‘intrinsic value,’ than others… …and are more genuine, and encapsulating…
For instance, a mathematician may place greater value… on a revolutionary insight, that he/she may have discovered… …after years, of calculations… that permitted that contribution, to society. He/she may find greater meaning and fulfillment, in such an achievement… …than certain, material investments… …given that the spirit/Holy Spirit takes precedence to the mind/intellect, which does the same… for the body/physicality…
Andrew Wile's & Fermat's Last Theorem:
Grigori Perelman takes the 'higher ground':
On intrinsic value...:

2:04 PM (11/24/23):
“In terms of relativity, you may have to conduct a number of symphonies, as a composer… …in order, to infer… which song, is truly a masterpiece… …over time…” – Michael Izuchukwu

2:48 PM (11/24/23):
"Some people live to work, while others work... make, a living. Either way, time passes... and one has to do something, with one's time... ...for the sake of being productive, and avoiding... 'being idle'... Due to the irreversibility of time, one may find that one has less regret... ...later in life... ...if having spent one's time, wisely... opposed, to wasting such... Some paths, have less 'diminishing returns'... ...than others... ...and the dividends one receives, having traversed them... ...are not necessarily monetary..." - Michael Izuchukwu
What are 'intrinsic investments'?

2:54 PM (11/24/23):
"If you encounter 'a man' who has no regrets, there must be a reason for this. He likely has a method to 'his madness,' but such a man... rare, to find..." - Michael Izuchukwu
There is a correlation, between valor... and fortune...:

8:22 PM (11/9/23):
"The price of anything, is the amount of life... you exchange, for it..." - Henry David Thoreau
NOTE #1:
If you revisit a question, in the future... your answer may be different, because you have been refined... by your reality, since the last visitation...
NOTE #2:
Regarding the 'above quote,' I surmise that regarding the things which have intrinsic value... ...there is a 'directly proportional relationship,' between that which is taken... and that which is given back (in terms of one's life force)... These sought things are rare, in the context... of the nature, of time's irreversibility...
FOR INSTANCE (regarding the 'above quote'):
1. A car, in relation to an equation
2. Prevention, in relation to a cure
3. A house, in relation to a home
4. ...?

7:00 PM (11/9/23):
"I think instinctively being able to relate, to the contents… of the following article… …may be advantageous, for those… who are curious about asymptotic aging, and/or have interest… in benefiting, from the capability…" - Michael Izuchukwu
6:55 PM (11/9/23): 
"To be able to ponder about the end of a tunnel, before exiting such... ...often requires coordination, and foresight... During a process, it may be counterintuitive... to entertain, the outcome..." - Michael Izuchukwu



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