1:54 PM (12/12/21): "What is a human's role, in this life... he/she experiences, temporarily... ...in the context of a country, much less the world? Not many think about such, in the context... of our galaxy... Given that on average, 1 million lightyears are in between each galaxy (5,870,000,000,000,000,000 miles - 5.87 quintillion)... there seems to be significance, in relating to one's own galaxy... more than others..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Carl Sagan - Where Are We? Who Are We? [Cosmos] - YouTube 

2:05 PM (12/12/21): "Just because someone can do something, does not necessarily mean... someone should... This basic premise was established in the 'Garden of Eden,' when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the 'forbidden fruit'... and being cast out..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:06 PM (12/12/21): "Sending out radio signals to other worlds in the cosmos, has questionable implications... Assuming they were received, and addressed... what would we humans possibly hope to do, in the confrontation by extraterrestrials... more advanced than ourselves... To think an extraterrestrial civilization with the capability of responding, 'is not'... seems naive..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:25 PM (12/12/21):

The Search For Life Beyond Earth - YouTube

3:14 PM (12/12/21): 

"E.T. is out there, somewhere... By the grace of God, the multitudes of them (with advancements that rival or exceed our own)... have not located Earth..." - Michael Izuchukwu

How Is The Search For Alien Life Going? - YouTube

4:32 PM (12/12/21): 
"A nice song, by Tchaikovsky... Classical compositions, represent some of the most advanced forms of music... created by humans..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Tchaikovsky - Sleeping Beauty Waltz - YouTube

4:35 PM (12/12/21): "Throughout human history, God has worked in mysterious ways... to express his will... Before Jesus Christ, there was Moses... who was appointed by God, to liberate the Hebrews from captivity... in Egypt... Slavery is an evil that should befall none, as one named Solomon Northup... indicated... in the 1800's... The notion that such persisted for that duration of time, is a reflection of 'lawlessness' in the arena of human rights... over prior centuries, from an international standpoint...

Such inhumane behavior, attests that barbarism may be commonplace... among 'extraterrestrial lifeforms'... from other worlds... that relate to aspects of 'colonization'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Prince of Egypt - Moses Meets Miriam and Aaron For the First Time [1080p] - YouTube

4:42 PM (12/12/21): "In the time of Moses, witchcraft and 'dark arts' were practiced... by many Egyptians... as well as idolatry, which God found to be an 'abomination'... Such is why 10 plagues were sent through Egypt, to wipe out those who were under the rule... of Pharaoh Ramses..." - Michael Izuchukwu


The Prince of Egypt (1998) - The 10 Plagues Scene (6/10) | Movieclips - YouTube

5:04 PM (12/2/21): "What does it mean, to be true to oneself? Perhaps such is a prerequisite for getting to heaven, aside from having endured significant trials and tribulations..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Westworld - Consciousness does not exist, Anthony Hopkins - YouTube


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