

SEE:  voldy42 (u/voldy42) - Reddit  (above is page 12, of a 'Watchtower' pamphlet that I was given - a photo, that I snapped... at 7:50 AM, on 11/9/23) Canadians (of interest, lifestyle-wise & personality-wise): 1.  Sam in Tech - YouTube 2.  Dr. Lydia Pulci - YouTube 1:53 PM (11/24/23):  At 1:09 PM on 11/24/23, I had the revelation… …that people tend to place different values, on things… in life… …although, some things… having more ‘intrinsic value,’ than others… …and are more genuine, and encapsulating… NOTE: For instance, a mathematician may place greater value… on a revolutionary insight, that he/she may have discovered… …after years, of calculations… that permitted that contribution, to society. He/she may find greater meaning and fulfillment, in such an achievement… …than certain, material investments… …given that the spirit/Holy Spirit takes precedence to the mind/intellect, which does the same… for the body/physicality… Examples: 1. Andrew Wile's & Fermat'


1:54 PM (12/12/21): "What is a human's role, in this life... he/she experiences, temporarily... the context of a country, much less the world? Not many think about such, in the context... of our galaxy... Given that on average, 1 million lightyears are in between each galaxy (5,870,000,000,000,000,000 miles - 5.87 quintillion)... there seems to be significance, in relating to one's own galaxy... more than others..." - Michael Izuchukwu Carl Sagan - Where Are We? Who Are We? [Cosmos] - YouTube   2:05 PM (12/12/21): "Just because someone can do something, does not necessarily mean... someone should... This basic premise was established in the 'Garden of Eden,' when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the 'forbidden fruit'... and being cast out..." - Michael Izuchukwu 2:06 PM (12/12/21): "Sending out radio signals to other worlds in the cosmos, has questionable implications... Assuming they were received, and addressed... what would