
Showing posts from November, 2023


SEE:  voldy42 (u/voldy42) - Reddit  (above is page 12, of a 'Watchtower' pamphlet that I was given - a photo, that I snapped... at 7:50 AM, on 11/9/23) Canadians (of interest, lifestyle-wise & personality-wise): 1.  Sam in Tech - YouTube 2.  Dr. Lydia Pulci - YouTube 1:53 PM (11/24/23):  At 1:09 PM on 11/24/23, I had the revelation… …that people tend to place different values, on things… in life… …although, some things… having more ‘intrinsic value,’ than others… …and are more genuine, and encapsulating… NOTE: For instance, a mathematician may place greater value… on a revolutionary insight, that he/she may have discovered… …after years, of calculations… that permitted that contribution, to society. He/she may find greater meaning and fulfillment, in such an achievement… …than certain, material investments… …given that the spirit/Holy Spirit takes precedence to the mind/intellect, which does the same… for the body/physicality… Examples: 1. Andrew Wile's & Fermat'